Tuesday, August 21, 2012

WebSphere Deployment Manual

Deployment Manual for IBM WebSphere 6.1

  1. Install IBM websphere. Setup will guide you through simple steps.
    1. Please note the admin user id and password specify during installation

  1. After installation. Start websphere application server by following steps

Starting application server

Console showing startup

3. After startup start Administrator console using following steps

4. Administrator console started (Login with ID & password) provided
5. Administrator console after login

6. Creating Data Source
a. Select ResourcesàJDBCàJDBC Provider from left panel

b. Select the scope and click new to create new data source

c. Specify JDBC-Provider details and click next.

d. Specify the ojdbc14.jar path. Click next

e. Summery page displays JDBC provider details and click finish


f. Select JDBC Provider from left panel, click Oracle JDBC driver that we created previously

g. Click on data source link

h. Click new to create new data Source

i. Type in the JNDI name, and select authentication from drop down list, if you do have any authentication created click on the link “Create new J2C authentication alias”

j. Create new alias, type in the database user id, database password, description and click apply

            k. Follow the same steps from step H through F, after giving JNDI click next

l. In URL type à jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = IP)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA =(sid =SID_NAME)(SERVER=shared)))
- Select data store helper class name
-          Click next

            m. After having a glance at summery page, click finish.

            n. Click save to save changes to data repository

            o. Select the newly created data source and click Test Connection

Test connection showing success

Installing new application

a.       Before deploying you application on Websphere we need to create a war file
b.      Steps to create a war file
a.       Set you jdk path
b.      Go to you application (WAR) directory
c.       Use jar –cvf war_name.war *.*command to create war file
c.       In the full path specify/browse the file
d.      Type in you context-root which will be used to access your application
e.       Click next

f.       Specify the application deployment path.
g.      And with default settings click next

h.      Select the entry to map with server
i.        Click next

j.        Summary page displays all the information regards application.
k.      Click finish to start deployment

Snap showing deployment started

            l. After deployment click save.

m.    Select applicationàEnterprise Application, which displays all the application deployed

n.      Select your application and click start

Application started
3. Stopping application server
            Select startàprogramsàIBM WebsphereàProfileàApp01àstop server

Stop console

Note: - If you have any new JAR files to be added, add the files at InstallDirectory/IBM/Webshpere/lib/

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